New Mexico Chief Procurement Officer (CPO)
Certification and Recertification
To earn your initial CPO Certification:
- Enroll as a new student with NM EDGE (https://reg.nmedge.nmsu.edu/NewMember/Enroll.aspx).
- Register for the NM EDGE NM Public Purchasing Foundation Classes and Culminating Test (3½ days – 6 classes + test are required).
- Upon successful completion of the classes and a passing score of 60% or better on the culminating test, your name will be sent to State Purchasing, from which your certificate will be issued.
To recertify:
- In accordance with the NM Procurement Code, recertification is required every 2 years (§13.1-95.2(D) NMSA 1978).
- Log into your NM EDGE account (https://reg.nmedge.nmsu.edu/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f).
- Update your account information, as necessary. Be sure your record includes your CPO Certificate Number.
- Prior to your certificate expiration, register for the applicable NM EDGE Public Purchasing Recertification Classes (1 day – 2 classes + tests are required).
- NM Edge can help you determine which recertification classes you need. Please call (575) 646-0314 or e-mail nmedge@nmsu.edu
- Upon successful completion of the classes and a passing score of 60% or better on the in-class tests, your name will be sent to State Purchasing, from which your new certificate will be issued.
Availability of classes:
- NM EDGE offers initial certification and recertification classes on a quarterly basis (February, April, July, and October) in a live online format.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What will I need to bring to the CPO Foundation Culminating Test?
- Photo ID required at test sign-in.
- The test is open notes. Have your class materials readily available.
- I passed my certification/recertification test(s). When will I receive my certificate?
- Your signed, hard-copy certificate will be mailed to the address provided in your NM EDGE account. Certificates may take up to two (2) weeks to be processed.
- I took the CPO certification classes and passed the test. Am I, now, a CPO?
- An individual who takes the CPO certification/recertification classes and passes the applicable test(s) is CPO-Certified.
- A CPO-Certified individual who is employed by a state agency or local public body as the person within that organization’s central purchasing office who is responsible for the control of procurement and is registered on State Purchasing’s website is the CPO for that organization.
- When does my certificate expire?
- CPO certifications expire two (2) years from the date on your most recent certificate.
- It is each individual’s responsibility to keep certifications up-to-date. No reminders will be sent from NM EDGE or State Purchasing.
- If I am recertifying, will I need to take a separate test?
- Successful completion of your in-class tests will satisfy the testing requirement for recertification.
- I, inadvertently, let my CPO certificate expire. Can I get an extension?
- If you are the designated CPO for your organization (the one registered on State Purchasing’s website), an extension may be available. However, you must submit a written request to the State Purchasing Agent, stating when your certificate expired and providing the reason your certificate was allowed to expire.
- If you are not the designated CPO for your organization, no extension will be granted.
For other questions regarding certification/recertification guidelines, contact State Purchasing (call or e-mail Francine Martinez at 505-795-4512 Francine.Martinez@gsd.nm.gov).
For questions regarding NM EDGE classes and tests, contact NM EDGE (call (575) 646-0314 or e-mail nmedge@nmsu.edu). See current year’s Calendar of Events at https://nmedge.nmsu.edu/index.html.