Safety and Security
Protecting our employees, those of tenant agencies, visitors to our facilities and the buildings we maintain and operate is a primary goal of the Facilities Management Division Safety and Security Unit. To achieve this personnel and facility protection goal, the Safety and Security Unit plays a key role in the installation and management of security projects with other stakeholders. The unit manages the agency’s emergency management program that includes business continuity planning and a Safety Program.
Stakeholders in our security and emergency management efforts include the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management office, building managers, the Department of Public Safety, the State Fire Marshall’s Office, and tenant agencies. Depending on the scope of an incident, the State Emergency Management Office and the City Emergency Offices might be called in for additional support.
MISSION: Our mission is to develop, coordinate, implement and evaluate safety and security programs, in cooperation with all state organizations and/or agencies, in support of the State’s efforts to ensure and maintain a safe and secure environment for all employees and visitors.
Emergency Contact Numbers - For GSD Santa Fe State Facilities
Emergency Reference Resources
Access Code/Badge/Key Request