Medical Verification (malpractice insurance)
For requests regarding verification of Malpractice Insurance & claims history, you need to determine which agency the medical professional was associated with while insured with the Risk Management. Risk Management does not track their work locations. Therefore, the agency should be notified first.
UNMH: The UNM/HSC Clinical Affairs can only generate responses for the medical professionals who are/were credentialed with the institution. If the individual you are requesting verification for is regarding a residency, internship or fellowship. You may need to contact UNM Graduate Medical Education at 505-272-6225/FAX 505-272-6581
Miners’ Colfax Medical Center: all requests can be submitted to Lonnie Medina, Loss Control Coordinator, 575-445-7790 or by email at lmedina@minershop.com.
NMDOH: all requests can be submitted to Trevor Edwards, Loss Control Coordinator via email Trevor.Edwards@state.nm.us or faxed to 505-827-2246.