June 4, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Intended Audience: This interactive, in-person training is for all State of New Mexico employees who are new to ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution). There is no cost to attend and seats are limited. For more information including how to register, please email us at ADR.Bureau@gsd.nm.gov.

Learning to be a more effective communicator is a lifelong journey for us all. We can always learn to speak with more clarity, listen more deeply, respond more thoughtfully and be more certain we leave conversations with mutual understanding.
Taking the time to think about and practice more effective communication skills will likely improve relationships at work and at home.
Join us in this two-hour training as we consider and try out a variety of essential skills and techniques designed to help us take a step as we ‘level-up’ our ability to communicate.

Facilitator: Abril Trujillo trained as a mediator in 2013 at the UNM Anderson School of Business as a graduate student of the School of Public Administration. She volunteers as a mediator for the Albuquerque Metropolitan Court and serves as a mediator for the State of NM ADR Bureau in her role as statewide Mediation Coordinator. She is native indigenous New Mexican (Po-Woh-Geh-Owingeh) born in Santa Fe. Her previous work includes Fingerprint Examiner, Death Investigator and Advocate for Survivors of Sexual Assault. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher 200 and a Master Usui Reiki Practitioner.